Glo-lite Fire Lighters

About Fire Lighters

A firelighter is a small, solid fuel tablet for igniting a fire. This is a small block of material that burns very easily  and is used for helping to ignite wood and charcoal  briquette fires.

Uses of Fire Lighters

Start a charcoal briquette or wood fire in:-


Solid-fuel portable stove.





Benefits of Fire Lighters

  • It is economical and easy to use.
  • Quick to start and long burn time
  • Safety – firelighters are safe to use, so safe in fact that even anyone can be instructed to use them on camping trips with ease. Unlike lighter fluid and other flammable liquids, firelighters do not cause sudden flare-ups, which can be very dangerous. They also do not generate smoke, which can pose a difficulty for people with breathing problems.
  • Efficiency – Firelighters can be stowed away and carried around easily in a sealed container, without the risk of it catching fire or instantaneously combusting. It can be lit with just one match and can be used to start charcoal briquette fires with ease.

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